Big of the Year: Big Sister Miranda and Little Sister Layla
Date: January 29, 2024
Little Sister Layla and Big Sister Miranda began their mentee-mentor relationship in October 2021. Layla’s mother recognized the need for additional support for her daughter after the arrival of a new baby. Layla was initially apprehensive about her new Big Sister, because Miranda was a retired military veteran who she worried might be too strict and disciplined. "When I heard that she used to be in the military, I was worried she would have me up at 5 a.m. running laps," said Layla.
Predictably, Layla was shy during their first meeting via Zoom. However, when they met at Kickin’ Chicken for their first outing, the two quickly connected. "Layla started really talking to me that day," said Miranda. "And, she hasn’t stopped!"
Understanding Layla’s need for attention and guidance, Miranda decided to invest more time than usual at the beginning of their relationship.
The two bonded over shared meals, trips to the mall, and going to the movies, but Miranda emphasizes that they have the most fun "doing nothing." According to Miranda, Layla taught her the beauty of enjoying the simple moments in life. "We can drive around in my car, look at houses, walk from this store to that store, or hang out at a friend’s house. She has taught me doing nothing is ok," said Miranda. In truth, Layla simply enjoys running errands with Miranda and often shares that she does not have high expectations for their time together. Layla just wants someone to hang out with. "It’s not always about spending money or coming up with elaborate plans," said Miranda. "It’s about time."
Even though they stay casual most outings, this match has been on a few memorable day trips exploring the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach and going to Columbia for facials. These experiences were especially significant for Layla, who had never left Charleston before. The duo even got matching necklaces with "Big Sister" and "Little Sister" inscribed along with the date their relationship began.
Since being paired with Miranda, Layla has matured. Layla’s focus on school has improved and she has become better at thinking before she acts. "Layla’s attitude has started to change. She listens to what Miranda says and Miranda gives her great advice. Miranda has really broadened her horizons by offering different perspectives and new opportunities," shared Layla’s mom.
Miranda has also played a crucial role in Layla’s dream to become a pediatric nurse. Actively supporting Layla in finding scholarship opportunities, researching nursing schools, and exploring free programs, Miranda is a true member of her Little Sister’s team. "What do I do to support Layla? Anything she needs," said Miranda.
Miranda and Layla are incredibly grateful for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lowcountry and intend to be in each other’s lives forever. Miranda’s hopes for Layla’s future are that she graduates high school, goes to nursing school, "and that [she is] is here to see it all." "I told Miranda that after I turn 18, she can’t get another Little Sister," said Layla. "She has to be MY Big Sister forever."
Big of the Year: Big Brother Ryan and Little Brother Joe
Date: January 29, 2024
During the unstable year of 2020, Little Brother Joe was navigating some of life’s turbulent waters without the steady presence of a male figure. The challenges he faced were beginning to steer him towards an uncertain path, as he began to find himself drawn to the wrong crowd adrift in a sea of adversity. His mother’s foresight led her to enroll Joe in the Big Brothers of the Lowcountry program, a decision that would forever change his path.
Enter Big Brother Ryan, a compassionate and driven attorney with a commitment to making a positive impact in the community. As the world grappled with the upheaval of Covid, Ryan witnessed a lot of people talking about making a difference without taking any real action. In his frustration, and embracing his personal values, Ryan decided to become a Big Brother.
Ryan and Joe first met during the height of the pandemic, and their early interactions were masked and limited. Their first public outing was at Brittlebank Park, an excursion that provided them the opportunity to break down some barriers and set the stage for their evolving relationship. Initially, Joe was quiet and antisocial, but as Ryan continued to show up for him, Joe’s trust in him grew. The turning point arrived during an outing to Sky Zone Trampoline Park. "Joe had an opportunity to see me acting silly, just jumping around and acting like a kid. That’s when he realized we aren’t that different. He saw that we were both just people and that I wanted to help him. That’s when he started to trust me," said Ryan. A week later, Joe called Ryan asking for help for the first time, needing advice on his Harry Potter homework assignment. Ryan, a self-proclaimed Harry Potter fanatic, was happy to lend his knowledge to his Little Brother.
Over the course of three years, Ryan has witnessed Joe’s remarkable transformation. From a reserved and soft-spoken young boy, Joe has blossomed into a confident, friendly, and outspoken young man. Their shared experiences have taught both Joe and Ryan essential life lessons. Joe’s determination and unyielding pursuit of a better life – balancing part-time employment, attending welding school, earning his driver’s permit, all while keeping up with his high school studies – have inspired Ryan and allowed him to push himself further in his own life.
Ryan’s role in his Little Brother’s life has transcended that of a mentor; he has become a true friend, brother, and role model, providing a shining example for Joe of responsible adulthood and family devotion. Joe marveled at Ryan’s ability to gracefully manage his responsibilities while still making time for their bond. "Ryan really handles his business as a man and I never saw that growing up without a male figure in my life. I see him take care of his family while still having time for me and I really look up to that. It’s amazing," said Joe.
As their journey continues, Joe and Ryan continue to embody the essence of success within the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lowcountry program and their story exemplifies the program’s mission to provide guidance, support, and friendship, ultimately shaping a brighter future for both mentor and mentee.